PF Tek - Dunk n' Roll?
Originating from the PF Tek grow method to cultivate mushrooms comes a step in the process known as the Dunk n' Roll; aka the "Hippie's Dunk Tek" which is a simple yet effective way to extend the useful lifespan of cubensis cultures such as PF Tek cakes.
Below is two fully colonized PF Tek style cakes, ready to be dunked, and rolled in 12-24 hours after being dunked.
As for what kind of water to use, natural spring water is best, but you can even use it straight from your faucet if need be.
This technique can be repeated throughout the fruiting phases of the mush grow. This tek should be used whenever the cakes/casings dry out. Also it can be given after full colonization to replace water lost so far.
This is how I dunk...
The tek is quite simple. It essentially consists of submersion of the cake/casing underwater for 12 to 24 hours. Don't worry, that will not harm your cakes/casings. This is best done under refrigeration, if possible. The cooler, the better.
Time spent dunking should be not less than 6 hours for minimal benefits. 12 hours is about right for dunking in between flushes and at birth but 24 hours is the maximum for full re-hydration of nearly spent cakes.
There are different ways to dunk cakes. In this method all cakes are added to a container in which submersion can take place for a set period of time. Many other methods include separating cakes and individually placing them in jars so that it decreases the chance for contamination between cake and cake-to-cake transfer.
When you've removed the cake from the container, it is ready to be dunked in dry vermiculite to retain the water it has absorbed. Remember...
"Dunk" the cake to re hydrate the mycelium for better growth, "Roll" the cake in dry vermiculite to retain the water absorbed and see it through to pinning.
I roll like this...
To be continued...
PF Tekkie